Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Little Risk Taker

Boys will be boys.... or so the saying goes. Grayson is energetic, but usually a little reserved when it comes to danger. Braxton, well, he is another story. He thinks he is big. He thinks he is 4 like brother. He copies brother...and then adds on his own twist. 

I was sitting in the living room chair working on my computer while the boys were playing on their Little Tykes slide. I am used to them running their cars and trucks down the slide and "chasing after them" and I am used to watching for Braxton's attempts to go down the slide while standing. Yep this happens. No ER visit.... YET. 

As I am sitting there I hear Grayson say 
"NO BRAXTON! You don't STAND on the dumptruck. You SIT on it" 

Seeing as how I have come to suspect that things are not always as innocent as they sound, I look up. What I see is Braxton standing INSIDE the back of his dumptruck that is ready to GO DOWN THE SLIDE! 

Makes me think I should have paid more attention to the loud noise that occurred just a minute prior to this conversation when I saw out of the corner of my eye a green garbage truck and Grayson.

Maybe the ER visit will be for Mom first. 

He Always Looks so Innocent