About 2 months ago:
Grayson is sitting on my lap watching cartoons. He is leaning backwards with his head resting on my breastbone. He wiggles around a few times trying to get more comfortable and then finally reaches back with both hands and attempts to bring my boobs closer together (I suppose) to provide a more cushioned resting spot. He really appeared to be trying to "fluff a pillow". I quickly offered him a pillow to put behind his head and the problem was solved.
Grayson is a very observant character. A few weeks ago he followed me into my closet while I was looking for something (its been too long so I can't recall exactly what it was) and he casually asked "Mom, what are those?"
Me: What are what?
Grayson: Those things.
Me: What things?
Grayson: Those things up there.
Me: What things up there? (looking around at all the stuff on my shelves)
Grayson: (getting frustrated) Those round things above your tummy!
Me: (trying to think quickly..should I be honest or just vague) Those are breasts. Girls have those when they get bigger (waiting...expecting more questions)
Grayson: Okay. (and he runs off to play)
Now, don't get me wrong. I knew this issue wasn't going to just go away for several years to come. I did not; however, realize it would become a frequent discussion.
Grayson: (pointing at my bra in the laundry hamper) What is that?
Me: Thats my bra.
Grayson: Whats it for?
Me: To make girls shirts look better. (I was trying to not make a big issue out of this)
Dusty thought my answer was pretty good. Again, it didn't resolve the curiosity about why mom looks different than the rest of the family. This past week when the daycare was out because there were 5 drops of sleet in the rain Dusty and Grayson were looking for something in the laundry when some of my under garments fell out.
Grayson: What are those?
Dad: Mom's underwear
Grayson: Oh. Is that what holds up her squishy things?
Dad: (I'm really not sure what he said to Grayson)
Later that evening Dusty asked if he was supposed to tell Grayson what the "squishy" things were really called. I figure that we are best to just be simple and honest so as to not have him wandering around town yelling out slang terms he makes up for body parts. We already have enough embarrassing moments to deal with as is.
Grayson is also very fascinated with babies being in tummies. He has asked me whose tummy almost everyone in the family he can think of came from. He has also made a point to tell his friends at school that Braxton came from mom's tummy and then the doctor gave Braxton to him. (mom really wasn't an important player)
Are there classes for parents on how to survive all the questions about life and gender differences. I am really not ready to have to explain everyting to him.... I think I understand why my mom made me watch a video (made by Tampax mind you) around the time puberty hit. Much easier to watch and then just ask if there are any questions (and pray there are not).
So young and already so intrigued with boobs! It only gets worse! =]
ReplyDeleteI once knew a family with a kid who called them "mom's pillows" on their own. One day, when they saw bikini tops in the store, they shouted, "look, mom, pillow cases!"
ReplyDeleteI think your simple yet honest approach is a good one. It will get tougher as he grows/gains understanding...but at least he will know that mom and dad are gonna shoot straight with him. (thus MAYBE make him more apt to come to you first with those other questions)