Friday, March 2, 2012

From Within the Walls of the Bathroom Stall

I'm not sure if I have mentioned before how I find it interesting that Grayson frequently has to use the restroom when we go out to dinner. Tonight was no different. Middle of waiting for our food and I get the "Mom, I have to go poop!" and you know immediately to respond before he repeats it louder to ensure that anyone willing to listen will hear. So off we go to the Women's Restroom. (Dad says that the men's room is usually too dirty for him to take Grayson) After a long discussion about why the toilet he chose had a whiter color than the stall next to us (the light was above selected stall) we proceeded to tell me who at the dinner table he was friends with. We had gone to dinner with our family friends Sarah and Chad and their son Noah. 

Grayson: "Mom, I like Chad and Noah. They are my friends"
Mom: "What about Ms Sarah, don't you still like her too?"
Grayson: "No."
Mom: "Why?"
Grayson: "I don't like her, she is a gruril (girl)"
Mom: "You don't like Ms Sarah?"
Grayson: "No. I don't like girls anymore"

Well guess we don't have to worry about a first date anytime soon, but I was unaware that this was the age the "I don't like girls" thing started. Really this is a far cry from the stories his dad tells about his kindergarten girlfriends (of which there were apparently many and naptime was a favorite time to kiss).

Finally got Grayson off that topic since there were plenty of girls coming in and out of the restroom during our stay. Then we went on to how his pooping made more room for his food that was getting cold because he was taking so long. He also asked about each and every noise he heard. This generally slows down the process (especially when he tries to peer underneath the stall wall to see who is next to him) so I kept asking if he was finished and telling him to hurry as best he could. He finally said

"Mom, I just want to sit here and keep talking"

Great. Pretty sure I heard a chuckle from the next stall over. The laughing only gets louder when they hear
"GOODBYE POOP!!" as he flushed the toilet.

 Maybe all of this stems from me forcing him to the library only to have him beg to check out Dinosaur Train. (A PBS kids show for those of you who don't know). What kind of mom lets her kid check out a DVD at the library instead of making him get books??

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